James Bateson: Homepage

Hi I'm James — a UI Developer and Digital Accessibility Specialist based in the North West.

Welcome to my digital space. Somewhere I can post the occasional thought or learning, and a place to practice my writing. I'm very much 'front-of-front-end' and have a passion for HTML, CSS, UI/UX, accessibility, and performance. Outside of work I love to run, hike, and cook.

Recent Articles

A mix of development related articles, thoughts and notes.

  1. Share: Pomodoro Pairing - a pair programming technique

  2. Make an accessible <nav> with dropdowns

  3. Accessibility documentation in Figma mockups

See all articles

Speaking and Writing

I am passionate about speaking and writing on a variety of topics. Particularly around accessibility, front-end development and mental health.

Note: This section is a little bit work in progress. Some items may link to video recordings or articles, some to slides and some just provide a summary of the talk/post and where it took place/was for. I'll aim to make this more consistent in the future.

  • Testing Accessibility

    A shared talk with Enik Jonas at a QA Beginners Club meetup around the importance of testing accessibility, alongside some tips and techniques. I also gave a version of this talk solo at McrFRED #81.

    View the Testing Accessibility talk on YouTube
  • 5 HTML elements, And a partridge in a despair tree

    An article written for the 2022 HTMHell advent calendar. Spotlighting 5 HTML elements and how much you get for free with them compared to complex custom solutions.

    View the 5 HTML elements, And a partridge in a despair tree article on HTMHell
  • Accessibility Champions: Trying to create an accessibility culture

    A talk given at Manchester Tech Festival 2023. Using my accessibility champions journey at Code Computerlove.

  • Start with the fundamentals

    A talk given at a Junior Developer Careers community meetup. Highlighting the importance of learning the fundementals when starting a front end career, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • Culture leads to conformance

    My first ever public talk for Human Centered Design (HCD) Manchester. Filled with nerves and learned so much since and from it.

Recent Journals

Articles on being active, mental wellbeing, life, and more.

  1. Hosting an event for the first time

  2. Update and reset

  3. A year in running - 2021

See all journal items

Featured Projects

All source code can be viewed on my (previous) Github.

  1. A fan site for this years Great British Bake Off series. Built with Astro and designed in the browser.

  2. A pointless fan site for the 2021 Great British Bake Off series. A chance to play with Astro, design in browser and use GSAP again.

  3. The simple todo app that nobody asked for or needed. Built with Electron and Vue.

  4. A less than regular personal walking blog.

  5. The answer to the most important question every Wednesday and Saturday. Is veggie man here?