James Bateson: Post

Ultramarathon deferred

I proudly posted a couple of months ago about how I'd signed up for an ultramarathon event in September. I still have, but it's going to happen at a different time.

To be honest, I knew a couple of months into following my training plan that this was going to have to happen. ~50-mile weeks were proving too uncomfortable for the knee to take, and even after the rest days, I was still in a lot of pain during sessions.

I'm still chipping away at miles, but just not able to get out for the longer runs at weekends that I really need to prepare for the ultra distance.

I've also been struggling with some physical and mental wellbeing issues on top of this which has had a detrimental effect on running performance and mentality. Therefore, I've decided the best (and probably safest) thing to do is to defer my entry.

Gutted that I won't be running in September, but the next event will be in May 2022. My plan for the rest of this year is to try and hit my 1000 mile goal, and then really start winding down the running, give my knee the rest it's needed for over a year now, and then come back stronger towards the end of the year/start of next year.

It's going to be tough not running for sure, but I think these decisions are needed in the long-term plan.