James Bateson: Post

Today release 🎉

Over the past few months, I’ve been chipping away at working towards a release of my first desktop app–Today. Yesterday the first release was pushed.

Today is the super simple todo app that nobody asked for or needs. It has, however, been a great intro to Electron and practical use for my Vue.js learning.

Although it is low-fidelity at the moment, it feels great to have built a desktop app and released it! I have plans to add some new features and hopefully turn it into an app that other people might like to use.

There will be an in-depth write upcoming soon to explain the process of using Electron, integrating Vue, and the GitHub release process.

Although it's not much at the moment, I'm really proud of getting this released and excited to build on this project and the skills it has taught me for future ones.

Keep an eye out for the full write-up, it'll probably take me a while to write and then tweak, as it'll hopefully be a bit more in-depth. In the meantime check out my write up on creating the Vue functionality.