James Bateson: Post

Share: Pomodoro Pairing - a pair programming technique

Pair programming is a useful way to create an open and collaborative feedback and learning development environment. Finding the right workflow and most effective and comfortable pairing technique can vary from person to person and team to team.

One technique I've always enjoyed and a brilliant article I often go back to and reference to others is from Katie Raby: Pomodoro Pairing - a pair programming technique.

From the article:

The pomodoro steps permalink

  1. Decide on a task
  2. Set the pomodoro timer (25 mins, adapt to suit)
  3. Work on the task
  4. When the timer finishes, take a short break (typically 5 mins)
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you've done 3 or 4 pomodoros
  6. Take a longer break

I would recommend reading the article on Katie's site, as there is more background and information on the technique and a nice tool recommendation for keeping to the times as well.

It's something I'll be sharing when moving into my next role.