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Considering design tokens

Recently I watched a stream from SomeAnticsDev featuring Mike Aparicino and on the topic of creating design systems. There were some approaches and principles they touched upon that resonated with me and I thought it might be a useful approach when starting a new project, so just thought I would write some of my takeaways up to look back on.

What is a design token? permalink

A design system is a collection of visual style decisions. For example, color palette, typography, spacing, etc and design tokens are a way we can translate these into code. Whilst they are similar to variables (they are much more powerful), design tokens allow us to use these values cross-platform, so not only on the web but also android, iOS even keynote, etc.

Design systems should be tech agnostic and work with any/different stacks, and setting up tokens can help make these transitions consistent, not just for development but also for design.

Separating the purpose of tokens permalink

How to organise and categorise your tokens. Splitting them out to both feed into each other, but also serve slightly different purposes. Allowing more manageable and scaleable updating of your system in the future.

  1. Global tokens permalink

High-level, core settings. Colors, fonts, spacing, etc. Changing these will result in changing something everywhere. Color, type, space, and size are such a large part of the CSS rules we write in a project. So setting up some core global tokens for these in a design system is key.

/* Global tokens */

--color-black: #000;
--color-white: #fff;

--color-yellow-400: #ffe900;
--color-yellow-500: #ffe000;
--color-yellow-600: #d0bd33;

--color-blue-400: #265c85;

--font-size-400: .85rem;
--font-size-500: 1rem;
--font-size-600: 1.25rem;
--font-size-700: 2rem;
--font-size-800: 3rem;

--spacing-400: .85rem;
--sapcing-500: 1rem;
--spacing-600: 1.25rem;

--line-height-body: 1.4;
--line-height-heading: 1.2;
  1. Contextual tokens permalink

Where and how global tokens should be used. 'primary', 'accent', etc. Change to alter multiple components in certain contexts. Here we start to use more 't-shirt' sizing naming. This differentiates from our global tokens and makes more sense in contexts.

/* Contextual tokens */

--color-text-default: var(--color-black);
--color-text-brand: var(--color-blue-400);
--color-text-accent: var(--color-yellow-400);

--text-small-font-size: var(--font-size-400);
--text-medium-font-size: var(--font-size-500);
--text-large-font-size: var(--font-size-600);
--heading-1-font-size: var(--font-size-800);
--heading-2-font-size: var(--font-size-700);

--spacing-xsmall: var(--spacing-400);
--spacing-small: var(--spacing-500);
--spacing-medium: var(--spacing-600);

--radius-small: var(--spacing-xsmall);
--radius-medium: var(--spacing-small);
--radius-large: var(--spacing-medium);
  1. Component tokens permalink

Finely tuned control over how individual components should look. Can refer back to global and contextual tokens. Change component visuals without touching any CSS values and adding random ones in.

/* Component tokens */

--card-max-width: 300px;
--card-max-count: 3;
--card-link-underline: none;
--card-link-color: var(--color-text-default);
--card-image-radius: var(--radius-medium);
--card-text-size: var(--text-medium-font-size);
--card-heading-color: var(--color-text-brand);
--card-text-color: var(--color-text-default);

--button-text-color: var(--color-text-default);
--button-background-color: var(--color-background-accent);
--button-border: var(--border-width-thin) solid transparent;
--button-padding: var(--spacing-small) var(--spacing-medium);
--button-radius: var(--radius-small);
--button-font-size: var(--text-medium-font-size);
--button-font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
--button-hover-background-color: var(--color-background-accent-hover);

Note permalink

I'm using a hundredth scale naming convention in the global token examples above (similar to font-weight). I find this an easy way to quickly tell if a certain color token would be lighter or darker, font-size smaller or bigger, etc, and also not having to resort to more obscure names (particularly useful for greyscales!). But not covering or worrying about naming tokens here.

Tokens and accessibility permalink

Trying to set rules to look out for in terms of matching what combinations would be accessible. This can actually be helped by using the numbering scale (see previous note) for token names, as it allows you to match up passing combinations relatively easily.

Having these rules set up, ensures you're meeting contrast requirements when building components, which in turn means when building out your product using those components, you're using accessible patterns established in your tokens.

Takeaways permalink

I really like the idea of this three-tiered token system. Separating out their concerns, but also allowing them to feed into each other. It seems to me that this would be a great way to ensure you think about the values you're using in a design system and how they can result in a more consistent, accessible, scalable, and maintainable codebase.

Other points/benefits/considerations:

  • Less CSS to write - Once you have your tokens set up and a few components added, you'll have a lot of what you need when adding new features. Having a token system ensures new features will be consistent and probably not need a great deal of new CSS written for them at all.
  • Performance - I can see some of these token names getting quite verbose, especially the component ones. Using vanilla CSS you would probably see a trace of all these components as well. Used with Sass, however, the components would just render out to their values where used.
  • Inline styles - If there were certain elements you needed to make editable by a developer or user, for example, a theme color, or how many cards appeared in a product grid. You could use these tokens as inline styles, and then update them dynamically.
  • Random values and hierarchy - Having a token system set up for such things as spacing and sizing would allow you to stick to a consistent hierarchy, rather than having extra px's bumper here and there with new features added.
  • Designer/developer collaboration - With tokens designed to be stack/tech agnostic, this could help designers understand how the values work together and recognise patterns. It would also provide a single source of truth for different platforms/mediums of a brand.

Token handling tools permalink

Looking ahead permalink

Something I started experimenting with at work a while back was looking for a way to provide a link between design software (such as Figma) and a codebase for keeping a design system consistent and up to date.

Using design tokens would be perfect for this. If as part of a design the designer set up a page for visual decisions that would serve as tokens (color palette, font sizes, spacing, etc) and correctly labelled these, there are plugins that can detect changes to these and then export the values as JSON.

In conjunction with the tools listed in this article, this could allow designers to update the tokens and ensure that they did not become out of sync with the codebase values.